Monday, April 5, 2010

Today's TipWhy Cloud Storage is Feasible in 2010

Posted by: Today's Tip Contributor on March 31
With most emerging technologies, the hype is bigger than the reality. A welcome exception is cloud storage, which is enabling many organizations to achieve major economies of scale and greater control of growing data volumes. We recently polled customers worldwide about their readiness to use cloud-based solutions. More than half of the 535 respondents said they were seriously considering cloud storage now or in the future. Companies of all sizes can reap the benefits of cloud storage for a number of reasons, including the ability to:

1. Access a lower-cost tier of storage and drive down IT costs;

2. Shift storage costs from a capital expenditure to an operational expenditure, freeing capital to support other parts of the business.

3. Offload routine storage operations so IT teams can focus on more strategic technology initiatives that bolster profitability;

4. Replace or supplement tape—with all its management complexities and headaches—by storing off-site data copies in the cloud;

5. Access affordable disaster recovery as data copies stored in the cloud are, by nature, off-site and protected in the event of a local disaster;

6. Lower the costs of remote office data protection and remove the need for separate storage infrastructures because backup data can be consolidated in the cloud;

7. Leverage unlimited storage scalability with a "pay as you go" subscription model for increasing storage capacities as needed, without growing data center footprints.

Cloud storage is the right answer, especially for businesses requiring more space for archiving infrequently accessed data, undergoing infrastructure replacements, or seeking simplified compliance management. The key to the cloud: Secure the proper applications to simplify the movement, protection, archiving, and electronic discovery of all types of data stored there.

Jeff Echols

Senior Director of Cloud Storage


Oceanport, N.J
Kevin L. Brown
STARDUST Super Absorbent
STARPOWER Super Cleaner

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